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Archive: District Financials!/year/2022/operating/0/entityname/Reclamation+District+No.+900/0/districttype2?vis=barChart

May contain: plant, coin, and money

Reclamation District 900 takes part in the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Flood Control Subventions program. As described by the DWR website, the Subventions program, along with the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB), assists local agencies with financial cost shares for maintenance, repair, and construction of federally authorized flood control projects.

When projects are federally authorized, local agencies are responsible for soliciting the State to consider cost sharing in the project.  After we evaluate the project benefits, we may submit a report to Legislature with an eligibility determination.  If the project is approved by the California Legislature and specifically added to the California Water Code, we can share in the non-federal costs of the project. For further information, please click on the links below:

Subvention Regulations

Levee Inspection and Maintenance Guidelines


In compliance with state law, we provide income and expense information to the State Controller's office annually. To view this data please visit the links below:

RD900 Official Pay Scale

Reclamation District 900 Pay Scale 24-25.docx

 State Controller's Financial Transactions Report

2022 State Controller's Financial Transactions Report

State Controller's Financial Compensation in California Report

2023 State Controller's Financial Compensation Report

State Controller's Office of Government Compensation in California

SCO - Public Pay (Compensation Data Search)

State Controller's Office of Special Districts in California Financial Data

SCO - Financial Transactions Report (Financial Data Search)


The most current financial statements can also be found on the meeting calendar attached to the meetings at which they are discussed. 

Comprehensive Financial Plan